Wednesday 23 January 2008

Midweek Blues?

Evening. Lots happened since I last posted on here. Really enjoyed weekend when my best man came over to stay. Ended up pigging out on curry friday night, followed by pool and drinkies the night after. Introduced to nine ball which was tres cool.

No real development with regards to Relate which concerns me as I don't want it to all blow up again before anything happens. It's totally my fault as I have been rescheduling the reminder on my phone for the last two weeks. Gotta pull my finger out or else it will all turn to shite!

Mentioned to wifey that I have been a bit down at times recently. Smoking not a problem for me but having set out to get fit again only to discover that running every other morning was causing me really bad pains in my knees, it was getting frustrating to say the least. Good news is that I went to the docs about it today and he seems to think that whilst it is likely to be ligaments, taking it easy initially should sort it out. I guess it's just my body reacting to six years of no exercise to regular runs... What the fuck is going on!

Finding it hard to get into study for CCNA which I know will require me to be 100% committed to our else I won't get anywhere with it the exams! I realise that it will be by far the most difficult I have done but also the most rewarding personally and respected in the IT industry. Would like to set target for first part ICND1 for end of March at latest but we will have to see.

So much else going on with trying to get house sorted and sold in an attempt to hang onto 4 jones close. Still not overjoyed with staring at a tower block every time I leave the house but we simply won't find another place with 4 bedrooms for that sort of money. Hopefully we can crack on now and get the final bits sorted on this one!

Sister just got married to her man in Yemen. Mum and Dad were there to witness . Hope it went well for her. Strange relationship we have now..not sure how to describe it. I know we still have the love but something just doesn't feel quite right when we see or speak to each other. One to think about some more me thinks.

Tired now so night night. Wife is waiting for me to come up so BFN.

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